Well I got the Estonian ID card! There is a bunch of stuff you need to do to get it. They make you very paranoid when trying to get the card. I kind of ruled myself out of getting it, because it just seemed like so much information they need. The six months of financial information before your arrival in Estonia. Health Insurance preferably Estonian. Dont even bother bringing a passport photo with you because they will take your picture there. You need to give your fingerprint and all that stuff. Its a bit much but its worth it because now you can get some Estonian perks, its kind of like gold having the card because now you are more integrated with the society. After all that work I am pretty happy right now although you probably couldn't tell it by looking at me.
I found a pretty nice place for pizza and Italian food. It's called Vapiano and they are in a lot of places through out the city center. One across the street from Coca Cola Plaza and another one in side of the Solaris shopping center. The pizza is ok its no Zesty Pizza from 96th and 3rd but it will have to do. I'll finish this tomorrow I gotta run to town and get my ID card...Be safe wherever your'e headed.
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